This week WOLF School educators are taking part in the first statewide virtual conference of the Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (AEOE).
#myWOLFstory - Carrying Memories Wherever I Go
As many of our stories do, mine starts with my parents. Growing up I was lucky enough to have parents who wanted to spark our creativity and let us explore the world. My mom was a crafter who always roped us into her creations, and my dad loved to explore the outdoors. This love of crafting and spending time outside has led me to want to hold onto my memories of all of my outdoor fun. My favorite way to do this is by making a bracelet that reminds me of the place or experience.
I have been making bracelets since I first learned how at Camp Sugar Pine in the Sierras with the Girls Scouts. Since that summer I’ve almost always an in-progress bracelet in my pocket. I’ve made countless bracelets for memories for myself, but I also love making bracelets for other people, as gifts for friends and fellow naturalists.
My summer at Sugar Pine helped lead me to becoming a naturalist and outdoor educator. After graduating from Humboldt State University with a degree in Environmental Education over three years ago, I ended up at Camp Arroyo - and I still love every second of it. There’s nothing like watching students explore and experience nature with the wonder, excitement, and curiosity in their eyes. I try my hardest to help my students make new connections, educational or emotional, with the outdoors. I know I was privileged to have access to the outdoors from a young age, so I want to provide these experiences for others to enjoy as well.
One of my favorite things at camp is watching a student grow and conquer a fear or connect with the world around them. I like to give them one of my bracelets to help them hold on to the memory. The most special moment for me is when one kid helps another through homesickness. I like to give each of them a bracelet, one for being a friend and the other for being brave and trying something new.
Whether it’s visiting a new place, finding something cool in your own home, or celebrating your best friend’s birthday, I encourage you to document that memory, large or small, in a creative way. Check out my tutorials below to try your hand at friendship bracelets! And if you make one, take a picture and tag WOLF School on Instagram or Facebook so we can see what you made!
Meet WOLF School Online
The Web of Life Field (WOLF) School is still here!
We miss outdoor school, and we miss our students, and we miss our teachers too! During this shelter in place time, we have been sharing resources, learning, adapting and growing just like the redwoods and the kelp forests do.
We are bringing our best efforts, our most creative thoughts, and our positive intent to helping teachers and their students continue to “build respect, appreciation, and stewardship within the web of life.”
The WOLF School mission is our mantra and as we move toward regenerating in this new education environment, we are listening to our staff, our teachers, and our stakeholders. If you want more information about the WOLF School, if you want to get involved, to come to camp, to help kids learn in the outdoors, to help plan our future in educating our students, please reach out to Heather, the WOLF School Director, at
We would love to include you in the WOLF Pack!
What do we need most, you ask?
Can you donate?
Any amount will help us as we make the transition to social distance outdoor education programs and try to address the needs of our classroom teacher partners for the future.Can you help promote WOLF School by liking, commenting and sharing our social media posts on Instagram and Facebook?
We are using our social media posts and website to make announcements and to offer interesting science videos from our colleagues, and some WOLF School originals. You can even share your own WOLF Camp story with us by using #MyWolfStory.Share your ideas & memories!
Please send us your great ideas, memories and what you like most about WOLF School. We also value what you think might be a great idea for WOLF to think about as we are creating our future together.
We are grateful for your thoughts and shares, thank you. Here’s a few photos taken prior to SIP, we hope you enjoy!
It's Spring in the Garden!
#myWOLFstory - From Student to Naturalist, Always Exploring
By Pika, WOLF School naturalist
When I was little, I was a science geek. For my 8th birthday I asked for a microscope and lab goggles. My favorite books were the ones about weather patterns or cool animals. I had so many questions and wanted all the information possible to understand the world around me.
When I got to 6th grade, my class attended WOLF School at Monte Toyon. My little scientist’s heart nearly burst with joy! At WOLF School we explored exciting new environments, sang silly songs, and discovered cute creepy crawlies. I was so impressed by the naturalists’ passion and wealth of knowledge. They made it clear to me that following my dream of becoming a scientist was worthwhile.
I ended up studying conservation biology in college, and when it came time to look for my first real job after graduation, I knew exactly where I wanted to be- back at WOLF School! I am so thankful for the experiences WOLF has given me, both as a student and as a naturalist. I hope that I have helped my students see that being a scientist doesn’t always mean working in a fancy laboratory - you can do science in your own backyard, just by asking questions and exploring the world around you.
Fostering a Culture of Welcome, Equity at UCCR
As the Director of UCCR’s premier outdoor science education program Web of Life Field (WOLF) School, Heather Butler is an integral part of what makes UCCR a leader in the camp, conference and retreat industry. Heather has a passion for all things living, be it a newt crawling out from under a rock, or one of the Naturalists that teach school-age children at one of the facilities we manage.